Herr Eichhorn and the visitor from the blue planet


A puppet theatre play for children aged 4 and older, based on the picture book by Sebastian Meschenmoser


"One morning the bear woke up because a STRANGE BEING was sitting on his head."


Oh my! It wasn't brown or red, it wasn't soft and furry, it didn't have a nice bushy tail or spikes. It was blue! Blue and strange, and very probably - dangerous. After their adventurous search for the unknown snow, Eichhorn and his friends Bear and Hedgehog find themselves faced with a new task. But something can't be so strange that curiosity and imagination can't find a way.


"How Meinhardt & Krauss realise the adventure on stage is intense, imaginative and often surprising. The passionate play, lively puppets, Thorsten Meinhardt's music, poetic projections, surprisingly remote-controlled things - all this abolishes genre boundaries, lets analogue and digital worlds merge." (StZN)







FUNDED BY the City of Stuttgart, the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V., the FITZ! Stuttgart and the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V.





PREMIERE 03.10.2018, FITZ! Stuttgart



PERFORMANCE Luis Hergón and Coline Petit

SCENOGRAPHY Michael Krauss

MUSIC Thorsten Meinhardt

VIDEO Nadja Weber