
Schattentheater Interview

Schattentheater-Festival in Schwäbisch Gmünd has a new creative mind in place!


Seeing Double


Replik.A started with a great premiere and it was wonderful to have so many guests at our birthday party. If you want to reminisce or if you haven't seen the play yet, you can read the article "Durch einen Spiegel in einem dunklen Bild".

Herr Eichhorn

Another Birthday


We will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Herr Eichhorn in 2024. To mark this special occasion, Sebastian Meschenmoser, the author of the story, will be travelling from Berlin to give a reading from his latest Herr Eichhorn book, followed by a book signing. We would love to see you there on Sunday, 18th March, following our performance of "Herr Eichhorn and the visitor from the blue planet" at the FITZ!.